Texting While Talking

Those who control their tongue will have a long life; opening your mouth can ruin everything.
Proverbs 13:3

Imagine this: You are having a conversation with a good friend and all of the sudden, right in the middle of your sentence; your friend just turns around. She walks two steps away from you and strikes up a conversation with someone else. After 60 seconds, she walks back over, looks you in the eye and begins to carry on the conversation as if nothing happened. This is not normal and you would never put up with it. You would call your friend on it right away. However, when people are texting someone else, while talking to you, they seem to think it is ok, and sometimes you do as well.
Another example: You are in a room full of people and none of them are looking and talking with each other, but all of them are looking down, staring at their phone, and pounding them repetitively. However, several of them are “talking (texting)” to each other. NOT NORMAL!!
The world wants us to believe it is ok to live this way. It’s not. It’s ok if you have a thought and do NOT express it right away. There is a reason we were NOT built with the ability to telecommunicate with other humans. God wants us to process our thoughts, mull them over before rolling them out in the world. Our words are one of the most evil methods the devil uses to ruin relationships and lives. The devil loves it that we now have zero filters on our thoughts and words.

Dear Lord, I want to concentrate fully on who ever I am with, who ever I am talking to. Please, help make me be aware of any situations where I am not doing this.

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