
There is more hope for a fool than for someone who speaks without thinking.
Proverbs 29:20

Pretend you are given a microphone and are told to record your most private thoughts about yourself and people that you know. You are told to share your feelings when you are down, when you are happy and when you are mad. Additionally, every once a while, you are given a piece of paper with information on it about people you know. At that point, you are instructed to tell your thoughts about that person as well. What you were not told was that you are in a room full of 250 people. When you talk into the microphone, each and everyone of them can hear you. You share your thoughts, you share your emotions and pour your heart out.

This is what it’s like when you at your computer, alone, typing away on Facebook. EVERYONE is “listening”. Just remember, God did not intend us to communicate this way. Spending time on Facebook is not evil, but living our lives through it can be harmful. Face to face time is what God wants us to have. It is the healthiest way to talk to our loved ones.

Trust me; I can only say this because I could easily be addicted to this stuff, but work very hard to keep balance. Balance is the key to so many things in our lives.

I have a friend that does not use Facebook: Many people try to convince her that she is WRONG by NOT using it. This is evil trying to convince her that the world way is the right way. She is wise to be cautious.

The “world” wants us to believe that Facebooking is normal; the world is working overtime to lead us to believe that talking to everyone at once is a new normal that we should adhere to. Be cautious to keep the real Godly normal, YOUR normal.

Dear God, I need to concentrate more on You and Your word than I do on technology. Please, help me to focus in this area.

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