
What sorrow for those who get up early in the morning looking for a drink of alcohol and spend long evenings drinking wine to make themselves flaming drunk …… but they never think about the Lord or notice what he is doing.
Isaiah 5:11-12

In an age when it seems as if some people can’t get enough of their handheld devices the phenomenon of the crackberry has emerged. The definition for crackberry is all about obsession. Persons who are so enamored of using their Blackberry handheld devices that they seem to always have them in hand have been nicknamed crackberries. While acknowledging how addictive Blackberry use can be for many people, the true crackberry is an individual who chooses to never be without their trusty Blackberry. A true sign of the obsessive Blackberry addict is that upon rising in the morning, the user reaches for the Blackberry before doing anything else. All of life revolves around the Blackberry, to the extent that friends will send text messages and emails in order to communicate with their loved one, since verbal communication is apt to be a dead end. For those that see the Blackberry phenomenon as a full-blown epidemic, there is not much difference between a crackberry and anyone that suffers from substance abuse or Internet addiction. While many see the term crackberry as a way at poking fun at the latest technology, others see the obsession with Blackberry services as one more example of how physical social interaction is eroding in our society. (from www.wisegeek)

While using our handheld devices can be harmless, we have to watch ourselves. Do we really want our children growing up thinking its normal to text one another while sitting in the same room? This is how evil gets in and turns our world upside down. Little by little, it (evil) changes your thinking in to believing its “normal” and ok to communicate in this manner, but guess what? It’s not. Sadly, real face to face communication IS eroding in our society.

Lord, help me to pull myself away from all of these alternative means of communication. I want to concentrate on talking to others face to face.

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